Hi everyone!
I think I misunderstand how routing is working with Ionic/React.
- I want to create an app with a basic home page that redirect to some project pages.
- Projects are saved in local storage and loaded at the app initialization.
- A project page url is generated from its project data
When I open a project page the second time, the data is not refreshed (still the first opened project)
Working scenario
- I open the project 1
- the project 1 is displayed
- I use the browser back button
- I open the project 2
- the project 2 is displayed
Not working scenario
- I open the project 1
- the project 1 is displayed
- I use my custom back button (history.push("/"))
- I open the project 2
- the project 1 is displayed
My Code
I upload a minimal git repo here
This is how I do
const App: React.FC = () => (
<Route exact path="/">
<Home />
<Route path="/project/:projectName" component={Project} />
const Home: React.FC = () => {
const history = useHistory()
// loaded from local storage, simplified for debugging purpose
const projects: ProjectData[] = [<data>]
function openProject(projectName: string) {
console.debug("[home page]", "open a project:", projectName)
// do something...
const projectUrl = `/project/${projectName}`
console.debug("[home page]", "project url:", projectUrl)
return (
<IonContent fullscreen className={"homePage"}>
{`${projects.length} projet${projects.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`}
<div className={"grid"}>
{projects.map((project) =>
<div className={"project"} key={project.id} onClick={() => openProject(project.name)}>
const Project: React.FC<ProjectProps> = ({ match }) => {
const history = useHistory()
const [projectName, setProjectName] = useState<string|undefined>(undefined)
useIonViewWillEnter(() => {
console.debug("[project page]", "match params:", match)
const _projectName = match.params.projectName;
console.debug("[project page]", "project name:", _projectName)
useEffect(() => {
if (projectName === undefined) return;
console.debug("[project page]", "useEffect, projectName:", projectName)
// do something...
}, [projectName])
function goBackToHome() {
console.debug("[project page]", "go back to home page")
// do something...
return (
<IonPage className={"projectPage"}>
<IonContent fullscreen>
{projectName !== undefined && (
<button className={"returnButton"} onClick={goBackToHome}>
Can someone explain me why the RouteComponentProps are not updated and how to make it working?
Or maybe my app design is wrong?