Upload large memory size video files to remote server

Am looking for the above title funcitonality. As it seems like ionic is already the cordova file-transfer plugin for upload, still am worried on sending the large video files with 300 mb or 500 mb size.

Please help me out.

Thanks and Regards,
Mohammad Raffi Z

Did you try it with the plugin you mention?

I have tried using the file transfer plugin anyhow. But still my concern is to upload the large size file in one shot is not feasible and my team suggested me to go with miltipart upload. Looking forward to get any ideas of having multipart upload using file transfer plugin.

Mohammad Raffi Z

So uploading large files with that plugin does not work?


i have tried using file transfer plugin.i can upload only upto 4 mb file but i want to upload more than 4 mb.
Using web api upload more thn 4mb i have tested using postman.
What was going wrong don’t know .

Anyone please help me out

Thanks in advance