Upgraded Ionic 7.0 Project to 7.1 and Capacitor 5.2.2. Ionic commands can no longer find the capacitor cli

I upgraded all my capactior packages to 5.2.2. After doing this I attempted to run ionic cap open ios and it gave me an error saying it could not find the capacitor cli. I double checked my project and the capacitor cli is installed on my project. So I deleted my package-lock.json file and the node_modules folder and did a npm install. Once everything was re-installed I tried again and received the same message. I attempted upgrading ionic references to the lates 7.1 packages as well, and receive the same error. Did I miss a step? Anything else I can check?

I am using turborepo in a mono-repo.

When you revert to a good commit, what version of capacitor do you have? (What was the version before the bad upgrade?)

With 5.2.2, what’s the output of ionic cap?

Capacitor CLI is at version 5.0.4 before the upgrade.

If I attempt to run ionic cap after the upgrade I get the help documentation:

ionic capacitor - Capacitor functionality

    These commands integrate with Capacitor, Ionic's new native layer project which provides an alternative to Cordova
    for native functionality in your app.

    Learn more about Capacitor:
    - Main documentation: https://ion.link/capacitor


    $ ionic capacitor <command> [<args>] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--no-interactive] [--no-color] [--confirm] [options]

  Project Commands:

    add ............................. Add a native platform to your Ionic project
    build ........................... (beta) Build an Ionic project for a given platform
    copy ............................ Copy web assets to native platforms
    open ............................ Open the IDE for a given native platform project
    run ............................. Run an Ionic project on a connected device
    sync ............................ Sync (copy + update) an Ionic project
    update .......................... Update Capacitor native platforms, install Capacitor/Cordova plugins

If I run ionic cap build or any of the other commands I get

Error: Capacitor command not found. Is the Capacitor CLI installed? (npm i -D @capacitor/cli)

at Integration.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/lib/integrations/capacitor/index.js:43:27)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async BuildCommand.getInstalledPlatforms (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/commands/capacitor/base.js:113:21)
at async BuildCommand.isPlatformInstalled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/commands/capacitor/base.js:129:27)
at async BuildCommand.checkForPlatformInstallation
at async BuildCommand.preRun (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/commands/capacitor/build.js:95:9)
at async BuildCommand.execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/lib/command.js:42:13)
at async Executor.run (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/lib/executor.js:54:9)
at async Executor.execute
at async Object.run (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/index.js:110:9)