From slack
Using Capacitor, how do I change the name of my project with out getting error App.xcodeproject does not exist?
From slack
Using Capacitor, how do I change the name of my project with out getting error App.xcodeproject does not exist?
When adding capacitor to a project, you can change the name by setting the appName
key in the capacitor.config.json
"appId": "io.ionic.starter",
"appName": "MyApp",
"bundledWebRuntime": false,
"npmClient": "npm",
"webDir": "www",
"plugins": {
"SplashScreen": {
"launchShowDuration": 0
"cordova": {}
When you create the iOS project, this will update the setting in xcode
SO while project and target say “App”
Those aren’t really relevant here. When we build and deploy to a device, we’ll have the “MyApp” name being used.