How to set name of iOS Xcode Project from Capacitor

I have set the name of my project in capacitor.config.json

When I run ionic capacitor build ios it creates the ios folder with a xcode project named ‘App’

I rename the project within xcode and it throws swift errors regarding to references like not being able to find capacitor, or cocoa pods not being synchronized. If I don’t rename the project, it works fine. But when I go to archive, it is simply named ‘App’ with only the display name being what I set in the capacitor config.

And when I do rename the project in Xcode it also throws errors in the capacitor CLI like: Unable to find a target named 'App' in project 'MyApp.xcodeproj', did find 'MyApp'.

Is there a way I can reliably set the project name so that I don’t have to fuss with renaming through Xcode?


I have the same case. Need a help.

I also have this problem.

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If someone just wondering how to change the Archives name, simply after Archive your product

In the Archives pop up, simply just rename the archive by double click on the name or press enter.