Updates to Ionic Angular Toolkit

Originally published at: Updates to Ionic Angular Toolkit - Ionic Blog

Since we shipped our 4.0 version of Ionic Angular, Ionic has provided a core package called@ionic/angular-toolkit. This package provides two features for Angular apps: A collection of schematics for generating new pages/routes as well as components with Ionic already imported A collection of builders for Cordova based apps. Now, Angular Toolkit has reached a point…

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npm install @ionic/angular-toolkit@latest keeps instaling v5
v6 is in testing status on npm.

Whoops! Seem there was an error in the publishing step. That should be latest now!

Ah perfect thanks! Just finished migrating Angular from 12 → 13 and Ionic from 5 → 6 and started running into build issues with Cordova. This article explains everything very well and fixed my issues!

I’m sure it’s in the works, but it might be beneficial to either link to this article in the README of the Angular Toolkit or on the cordova-builders package itself. I had to do a bit of digging to find this article myself and including it may help others in the future!

It may also be beneficial to include a “Cordova” section on the Ionic 6 upgrade guide with a link out to this article. Then it would be a part of the upgrade process for future users :smiley:. Thanks again for all you do!

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Hie, sorry this can be silly question but kindly assist am new to ionic/angular:
which file (name of file) should be made thess changes which contains “existing ionic-cordova-build”

It seems that the “ionic-cordova-build” is used when building a cordova app.
Still for a Cordova app, what is the purpose of target “ionic-cordova-serve” ?
When is this used ?
Thanks in advance for your help,

ionic-cordova-serve is used when running livereload on device for the older cordova integration.

Ok. Thanks a lot for your response.