Update your target Android API level by November 1

Originally published at: https://ionic.io/blog/update-your-target-android-api-level-by-november-1

Appflow and Capacitor are built for mobile developers, and we know the challenges of managing various dependencies and requirements. That’s why we keep you up-to-date on the latest deadlines. Starting November 1, existing and updated apps have new requirements for the targeted Android API level. These requirements set by Android are designed to ensure the latest…

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Strange choice.

When we start a new project from Android Studio, and choose API 30 Android 11.0 (R), the IDE inform us “Your app will run on approximately 40.5% of devices”.

Isn’t it bad for business ?

What you choose there is the minimum SDK, not the target SDK.

Capacitor 4 supports SDK 22 as minimum, that’s 98,4% of devices.


How to work in Cordova
I mean all the settings you have for capacitor only

For cordova you have to use cordova-android 11.

cordova platform rm android
cordova platform add android@latest