Update the view depending on another class

I need help, I do not know English I use the google translator and I’m learning ionic so if I have everything wrong, please tell me xd, I have two classes, the first sends a number to a method of the second and this method should update the view so that the quantity of images does not appear, what happens is that the value does arrive but the view is not updated


  var pedido = this.sumar;
   let distribucion = new DistribucionPage(null,null,null);


<div class="box green">
      <img *ngIf="!mostrarr[0]" class="zana-1" src="../assets/zanahoria.png" alt="">
    <img *ngIf="!mostrarr[1]" class="zana-2" src="../assets/zanahoria.png" alt="">
    <img *ngIf="!mostrarr[2]" class="zana-2" src="../assets/zanahoria.png" alt="">
    <div class="box yellow">
      <img *ngIf="!mostrarr[3]" class="zana-3" src="../assets/zanahoria.png" alt="">


    for (let index = 0; index < cantidad; index++) {
      this.mostrarr[index] = true;

Assuming DistribucionPage is what it appears to be (a page component), you do not want to be instantiating it with new. In fact, you virtually never want to be instantiating anything with new in an Ionic application. Angular has a dependency injection system that manages lifecycle in Ionic apps, and you want to be using it. I think you would really benefit from taking the time to go through the Tour of Heroes.

Thank you for helping me, I did what you said, but as the main problem continues, what can I do?

that’s how the code was


    public navCtrl:NavController, 
    public alerta:AlertController,   
    public distribucion:DistribucionPage
    ){  }

  var pedido = this.sumar;

Put data in services, which are designed to be injected. Do not try to inject page components as if they were services.