Unable to link app

I have an app that I have inherited that I would like to link to my pro free account, but i am having a problem with it.

When I try to link I get the following message:

D:\AgileBridge\SnappyGate\src\MobileApp (master -> origin)                                                   
λ ionic logout                                                                                               
[OK] You are logged out.                                                                                     
D:\AgileBridge\SnappyGate\src\MobileApp (master -> origin)                                                   
λ ionic link --pro-id ddd2d97                                                                                
? App ID dddf2d97 is already set up with this app. Are you sure you want to link it to ddd2d97 instead? Yes  
Log into your Ionic account                                                                                  
If you don't have one yet, create yours by running: ionic signup                                             
? Email: chrisk@agilebridge.co.za                                                                            
? Password: [hidden]                                                                                         
> ionic ssh setup                                                                                            
Looks like you haven't configured your SSH settings yet.                                                     
? How would you like to connect to Ionic Pro? Automatically setup new a SSH key pair for Ionic Pro           
Using your previously generated key: C:\Users\Chris Krause\.ssh\ionic\1364066.                               
You can generate a new one by deleting it.                                                                   
> ionic ssh add "C:\Users\Chris Krause\.ssh\ionic\1364066.pub" --use                                         
Pubkey already added to Ionic.                                                                               
> ionic ssh use "C:\Users\Chris Krause\.ssh\ionic\1364066"                                                   
C:\Users\Chris Krause\.ssh\ionic\1364066 is already your active SSH key.                                     
[OK] SSH setup successful!                                                                                   
× Looking up app ddd2d97 - failed!                                                                           
Request: GET https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ddd2d97                                                            
Response: 403                                                                                                
{ link: null,                                                                                                
  message: 'Not Authorized: Missing Rule: apps:app_id:ReadApp',                                              
  type: 'PermissionError' }

I have also tried to git push ionic master but this give the following error

λ git push ionic master
fatal: ‘ionic’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

D:\AgileBridge\SnappyGate\src\MobileApp (master -> origin)

please help