Unable to click an <ion-item> , while automating the Application

As part of performing UI test automation our application (using Appium and Webdriver IO), we found that we are not able to perform any touch / click interactions with the side navigation panel that was built by nesting an ion-menu component inside of an ion-split-pane component. The app itself is able to detect and respond to these events. Appium is able to update the DOM and show us these elements, but no interactions are possible with them.

Even on Appium inspector , we have been observing the same behavior. I am attaching the screenshot of page’s DOM on Appium inspector.

we are using following frameworks:

  • ionic -“v5.36.0”
  • Capacitor - “v.5.6.0”
  • Angular - “v16.2.11”
    For Automation
  • Webdriver IO - “v8.10.2”
  • Appium -“2.0.0-beta.58”

Any Suggestion or help from your side would be appreciated. Feel free to revert ,if you need any more info or clarity.