UI Theme for my app


I recently started using IONIC. I have build small applications using the basic templates. My next step is to enhance the UI look and feel. I know Ionic uses SASS so I can customize UI theme modifying the SASS theme, but I am not really good at colors so are there any themes out there that I can use to start with? Or is there any nice tutorial which can help me with creating the UI theme? I appreciate any help on this. Or are there any examples that I can look at to start with?

Thank you.

Look at that tool provided by Ionic team http://ionic-theme-editor.herokuapp.com/
and may be that will help - http://www.materialpalette.com/

Thank you.

I already looked at http://ionic-theme-editor.herokuapp.com/ but “Preset Themes” and “Components” aren’t working for me. And is materialpalette related to Google’s material design?

Thank you.

It seems that this tool is just beta. Yeah, as you have written you need some color paletes and materialpalette is a list of material design colors that you can mix

Got it. Thank you. It helps to start with.