'typings' is not recognized as an internal or external command


I am unable to use the typings command.
I have done npm install typings --g successfully.
I have added "typings": "2.1.0" to my package.json's dependencies.
The PATH to my npm folder is correct.


Why do you need the typings command in the first place? You can install type declarations with npm these days.

Anyway, the flag is not --g; it’s either -g or --global, and if you install it globally there’s no need to add it to your project’s package.json as well.

Used --global * my bad!
I ran into this error by trying to install the ionic2-calendar: npm install ionic2-calendar --save

ionic2-calendar@0.1.1 postinstall C:\Users\Emixis\Documents\Ionic2\Apps\MainApp\node_modules\ionic2-calendar
typings install

‘typings’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Sounds like an issue with that ionic2-calendar then; I don’t think it should try to run typings when you install it.

I’ll open an issue there.