Two ion-select in one row

how can have two ion-select in one row ?

Like This image

my html code:

<div *ngIf="detail.type=='variable'">
	<div *ngFor="let attr of detail.attributes | filter:{variation:true}">
		<!-- Color -->
		<div *ngIf="(|uppercase)=='COLOR'" class="attribute-color">
			<div text-uppercase>
				<b dark>{{}}</b>
			<ion-list mode="md" overflow radio-group [(ngModel)]="attributes[].option" (ngModelChange)="getVariation()">
				<ion-item float-left margin-right *ngFor="let option of attr.options" no-padding>
					<ion-radio [value]="(option|lowercase)" [style.background]="option"></ion-radio>
		<!-- Size or Orther -->
		<div *ngIf="(|uppercase)!='COLOR'" [ngClass]="(|uppercase)=='SIZE' ? 'attribute-size':'attribute-default'">
			<div text-uppercase>
				<b dark>{{}}</b>
				<ion-select [(ngModel)]="attributes[].option" (ionChange)="getVariation()">
					<ion-option *ngFor="let option of attr.options" [value]="(option|lowercase)">{{option}}</ion-option>

please edit my code for two ion-select in on row, i cant do it.

@adelmis you should make 2 different *ngif at the basics of the code, it will save you tons of code =)

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