Two different side menus on different tabs

I think I have a very simple problem, but didnt find the answers after many hours of trying. I think I just have a comprehension problem here. Cant imagine that this is a bug.

I just want to implement two different Menus on two tabs with a toggle button for each. After clicking button 2 on the Tab2, the toggle button (menu=“first”) on Tab 1 is hidden.


          <IonTitle>Tab 1</IonTitle>
      <IonMenu side="start" menuId="first" contentId="foo" id="first">
        <IonToolbar color="primary">
          <IonTitle>Start Menu</IonTitle>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>

      <IonContent fullscreen id="foo">

        <IonHeader collapse="condense">
            <IonTitle size="large">Tab 1</IonTitle>
        <IonMenuButton menu="first"></IonMenuButton>


          <IonTitle>Tab 2</IonTitle>

      <IonMenu side="start" menuId="second" contentId="foo2" id="second">
        <IonToolbar color="primary">
          <IonTitle>Start Menu Tab 2</IonTitle>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>


      <IonContent fullscreen id="foo2">


        <IonHeader collapse="condense">
            <IonTitle size="large">Tab 2</IonTitle>
        <IonMenuButton menu="second"></IonMenuButton>

Btw, it`s the same with a third Tab, it only knows the last Tab, that was used

menu component should be the same, the contents of the menu should change based on the tab that you are in, leave the menu at the top level

Funny, just watched a video from you yesterday and followed your channel :smiley:
Ok, thanks, I try to do it like this, but then I have to use Context or Redux, I think.

But I think this is kind of a bug. I mean the documentation says: "There can be any number of menus attached to the content. ", but this is not possible, as I tried a lot of different possibilities. And the system is also very logical: Just wire it with different IDs. But it`s not working.

If you post a project in stackblitz or somewhere, I can take a look at your original approach.

I just think that taking a look at some sort of basic state management sooner than later is beneficial

Im not getting it to work on stackblitz, but I have a [repo]( Its just the initial Ionic Tab project and a different menue and a Button for every tab in app.tsx.
The menues are mounted to the ids in the tabs on the root content element (#foo and #foo2, like described in the docs). The second menue ist commened out, because its not working. But if youre commend out the first one, the second with (with different mounting #foo2) is working again.

const App: React.FC = () => (
          <Route exact path="/tab1">
            <Menu1 /> //<== MOVED MENUS INSIDE THE ROUTE
            <Tab1 />
          <Route exact path="/tab2">
            <Menu2 /> //<== MOVED MENUS INSIDE THE ROUTE
            <Tab2 />
          <Route path="/tab3">
            <Tab3 />
          <Route exact path="/">
            <Redirect to="/tab1" />

        <IonTabBar slot="bottom">
          <IonTabButton tab="tab1" href="/tab1">
            <IonIcon icon={triangle} />
            <IonLabel>Tab 1</IonLabel>
          <IonTabButton tab="tab2" href="/tab2">
            <IonIcon icon={ellipse} />
            <IonLabel>Tab 2</IonLabel>
          <IonTabButton tab="tab3" href="/tab3">
            <IonIcon icon={square} />
            <IonLabel>Tab 3</IonLabel>


const Tab1: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <IonPage >
          <IonButtons slot="start">
            <IonMenuButton menu="first"></IonMenuButton>
          <IonTitle>Tab 1</IonTitle>
      <IonContent fullscreen id="foo">
        <IonHeader collapse="condense">
            <IonTitle size="large">Tab 1</IonTitle>
        <ExploreContainer name="Tab 1 page" />


const Tab2: React.FC = () => {
  return (
          <IonButtons slot="end">
            <IonMenuButton menu="second"></IonMenuButton>
          <IonTitle>Tab 2</IonTitle>
      <IonContent fullscreen id="foo2">
        <IonHeader collapse="condense">
            <IonTitle size="large">Tab 2</IonTitle>
        <ExploreContainer name="Tab 2 page" />


const Menu2 = () => {
  return (
    <IonMenu side="end" menuId="second" contentId="foo2" id="second">
        <IonToolbar color="primary">
          <IonTitle>Start Menu 2</IonTitle>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu2 Item</IonItem>

const Menu1 = () => {
  return (
    <IonMenu side="start" menuId="first" contentId="foo" id="first">
        <IonToolbar color="primary">
          <IonTitle>Start Menu</IonTitle>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>

check out reactjs content Ionic React Tutorial Playlist

Great, works perfectly.
But… I tried it now with a third one, with dynamic props and then it`s not working again anymore.

Will check out your playlist asap, looks great.

i just ran the code and it works fine?

Sorry, I added a comment, it was the working version, but now I committed the not working version with

<Menu3 menuId="first" contentId="foo" id="first" />
<Menu3 menuId="second" contentId="foo2" id="second" />

Today I downloaded the Ionic UI App (iOS) and there is an example with 4 different menus: It is working fine BUT: On one page the “Menu button” was lost, too. I had to come back to the root menu first, then it worked again. Now I am more sure, there must be a bug somewhere. But I think the app was not made with ionic/react, it`s made in angular.

EDIT: Just for Info: The main problem of the posting has been solved with Context API for now, but I still think, there is something like a bug in ionic/react.