Tabs changing performance issue

What is the best practice of using the ionic-tabs, im using the simple ionic-tab with state changing between screens without animation. And each time transition from tabs to tabs takes to long comparing with my other app transitions. Do I need to cache templates/states on start app or clean sopes on tab transitions,(my tabs are empty there are only h1 dom element on the page) any suggestions how can I get native transition on tabs this? I tested on android 4.4.2. , 4.1.2, Ipad 1 mini .ionic beta.13.

Im using side menu and tabs this is my state provider:

 .state('app', {
      url: "/app",
      abstract: true,
      templateUrl: "js/modules/side-menus/menu.html",
      controller: 'AppCtrl'

      .state('app.tabs', {
          url: "/tabs",
          views: {
              'menuContent': {
                  templateUrl: "templates/tabs.html"

      .state('app.tabs.calendar', {
      url: "/calendar",
      views: {
        'home-tab' :{
          templateUrl: "js/modules/calendar/calendar.html",
          controller: 'CalendarCtrl'

      .state('app.tabs.page1', {
          url: "/page1",
          views: {
              'trading-tab-1' :{
                  templateUrl: "js/modules/duty-period-calculator/period-calc-modal.html",
                  controller: 'CalendarCtrl'


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