i dont understand the directory structure. what i have seen online and the structure in my project is different. i dont understand where to put html css and js file. And also tutorials point’s data are different from this ionic site. please help me.
Are you perhaps using Ionic 1 but looking at Ionic 2+ tutorials?
Hard to know a (s)he didn’t tell us what directory structure (s)he has and also didn’t link to the tutorial (s)he is referring to…
@Pritamdas Please post your ionic info
what i have got is ionic V1 tutorial…and i install ionic2. can u explain where to write html css and js code…also angularJS
You won’t be utilising JS if you’re using Ionic 2. I’d also suggest looking into Ionic 2 tutorials if that’s what you have installed, as Ionic 1 is not compatible with Ionic 2.