Hi folks,
Im working on an Livestream app. I’ve founds loads of info on how to Broadcast Video from the Server to Devices, but very little on how to stream from the device-Camera to the Server.
I’ve found this (android only)
Is there any Plugin for Cordova or even ngCordova i could use?
Or can you give me some advice what topic i should look into?
Hi @SeriousLee , any updates? I intend to create app that can push live stream to RTMP server too.
Sadly no. apparently most services use some sort of RTC-library. I’ve postponed this part of my project, as we will use normal webcams+Raspberry Pi until we figured something out.
Help on this field is still highly appreciated
I am also interested how to catch the video stream from camera in ionic. Cannot find any acceptable solution 
Only solution I have is cordova-plugin-camera-preview and its method takePicture
but it is very slow rate, about 3 frames per second is maximum and it makes capture sounds which cannot be tirned of