I have developed my application using a browser for testing. Everything is running fine and as I expect it to run.
I now tried on an emulator (iOS 9) and it is fine too.
The problem now is when I use real device (iPad mini, iphone 5c), the navigation between states is almost not working at all.
The workflow is :
app.login (login and password)
=> app.password (which is a PIN code actually)
=> app.worklist (items with ng-click method)
From this last state, I should navigate to another state using the values from the item I have clicked but the view remains the same.
Here are the relative states :
.state('app.patientID', {
url: '/patientID?patientId&studyId&visitId',
cache: false,
params: {
fromWorklistModel: {
WorklistID: null, //means default worklist
SortDirection: null,
SortHeader: null,
idCheckedOnly: true,
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/patientID.html',
controller: 'patientIDController'
here is the state go
$state.go('app.patientID', {
patientId: study.patientID,
studyId: study.studyID,
visitId: study.visitID,
fromWorklistModel: $scope.model,
idCheckedOnly: $scope.idCheckedOnly,
}, {reload: true, notify:true});