window.location = ‘index.html#/teams/team-detail’;
so why don’t you use $state.go() or ui-sref
how to use $state.go() and ui-sref can please show me an example
i am newly using ionic for my product
check out these two links ui-sref & $state.go()
<a ui-sref="">Home</a>
not working plz help
$scope.getpatdetails = function (item) {
sessionStorage.setItem(“PatientName”, item.fullname);
sessionStorage.setItem(“PatientId”, item.Id);
i am using window.location in controller it is not working
** window.location = ‘index.html#/patient/patientsummary’;**
in app.js --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.state(‘patient.Summary’, {
url: "/patientsummary",
views: {
"patContent": {
templateUrl: 'app/patient/patientsummary.html'
Your routes should be looking something like this
.state(‘patient’, {
url: “/patient”,
templateUrl: ‘app/patient/patient.html’,
.state(‘summary’, {
url: “/patientsummary”,
views: {
“patContent”: {
templateUrl: ‘app/patient/patientsummary.html’
then you can use the $state.go(‘patient.summary’)