SSL Pinning for iOS


I have been looking for a solution for this for the past 2 months. I am currently using Ionic Capacitor as the native bridge and I have a problem with SSL Pinning on iOS. The plugin used is the HTTP Cordova plugin:


I want to point out that this method is working fine for Android. However, with iOS, I am receiving the following error on Xcode:

Connection 1: default TLS Trust evaluation failed(-9813)
Connection 1: TLS Trust encountered error 3:-9813
Connection 1: encountered error(3:-9813)

I am not sure how to fix this problem. I’ve googled everywhere, and most of the solution is for Android, and not iOS specifically.

Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Have you solved the issue? I also have the same issue i am using monorepo with ionic and capacitor

Hi, if you are still having this issue, you can check out my medium post where I explained how I solve the problem: