How to set split pane max width, I tried setting css variable --side-max-width as per documentation , but its not working, any idea how to set max width on side pane
Just did it this week.
you can give the max and min side width directly to the IonSplitPane.
(this is a styled component mix but its the same principle of giving it a --side-width, --side-max-width, etc)
export const StyledIonSplitPane = styled(IonSplitPane)`
--side-width: 155px;
But there is are minimum default values that you have to overwrite in the variables.scss.
In my case I wanted the menu to be 155px, which is smaller than the minimum so i included in the variables.scss file
ion-split-pane {
--side-min-width: 155px !important;
hope this works out for you.