It is appeared that the GUI performance in Ionic beta is getting worse running on Android 4.4. For instance, cursor not blinking at all in textbox and button clicks very slowly as compared to Ionic 0.9.27.
I have tried creating new projects running Beta 1 to 8. The problem persists for all the beta version.
That’s all I do. After deploying that to the device, you will see that cursor in the textbox will not be blnking even thought the textbox has been focused.
I tried on Nexus 5 vm running 4.4.2 (on Genymotion) and really saw input box blinking and buttons are responding well. However, for some reason, devices like Samsung Galaxy S4 or Nexus 7 which are running 4.2.2 are not performing well.
Same issue here. Kind of ‘basic test application’ i’m doing and I upgraded to the latest ionic and got a pretty noticeable performance drop. (touch responsiveness, page transitions, general sluggishness.)
I am currently on beta 8 on my HTC One M8 running 4.4.3 and do not see an issue with performance. Or if there is some I am not noticing it. I see a blinking cursor in text fields
We do a lot of testing on VMs just so we can cover a lot of devices, but it’s not always the same as an actual device. So any information about issues or performance bugs is good.
More modern devices seem to handle Ionic apps beautifully but older Android devices really struggle. I have a HTC Desire HD which is almost unusable and a Galaxy S1 as described which is workable but very slow.
Older Android hardware / operating systems seem to really struggle.
Might this have to do with the old web views used (I believe these were from the devices stock browser in the earlier Android days?)