Simple SqlStorage setup breaks with no stacktrace

@epetre Thanks for the additional details! Unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce the problem, i.e. in case of an error it’s shown in the dev tools console as expected. AFAIK you won’t receive any errors in the CLI console when using JavaScript (unlike when using TypeScript).

I installed Node v4.4.3 to make sure that it’s not something node-related:

Cordova CLI: 6.1.1
Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0-beta.6
Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0-beta.25
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.0.0-beta.15
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Node Version: v4.4.3

The project was started with the following command line:

ionic start TestAppJS blank --v2

With the following home.js I got the error below in the dev tools console (as expected):

import {Page, NavController, SqlStorage} from 'ionic-angular';

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html'
export class HomePage {
  constructor(nav) {
    this.db = new Storage(SqlStorage);
EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Cannot resolve all parameters for 'HomePage'(?). Make sure that all the parameters are decorated with Inject or have valid type annotations and that 'HomePage' is decorated with Injectable.
Error: Uncaught (in promise): Cannot resolve all parameters for 'HomePage'(?). Make sure that all the parameters are decorated with Inject or have valid type annotations and that 'HomePage' is decorated with Injectable.
    at resolvePromise (angular2-polyfills.js:602)
    at resolvePromise (angular2-polyfills.js:587)
    at angular2-polyfills.js:635
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (angular2-polyfills.js:423)
    at Object.NgZoneImpl.inner.inner.fork.onInvokeTask (ng_zone_impl.ts:54)
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (angular2-polyfills.js:422)
    at Zone.runTask (angular2-polyfills.js:320)
    at drainMicroTaskQueue (angular2-polyfills.js:541)
    at XMLHttpRequest.ZoneTask.invoke (angular2-polyfills.js:493)

After fixing the DI in home.js I got the error below in the dev tools console (as expected):

import {Page, NavController, SqlStorage} from 'ionic-angular';

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html'
export class HomePage {
  static get parameters() {
    return [[NavController]];
  constructor(nav) {
    this.db = new Storage(SqlStorage);
EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): EXCEPTION: Error during instantiation of HomePage!.
ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: TypeError: Illegal constructor
TypeError: Illegal constructor
    at TypeError (native)
    at new HomePage (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:76:15)
    at http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:26005:47
    at Injector._instantiate (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:19790:27)
    at Injector._instantiateProvider (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:19728:25)
    at Injector._new (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:19717:21)
    at InjectorInlineStrategy.instantiateProvider (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:19217:30)
    at ElementDirectiveInlineStrategy.init (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:21876:24)
    at new AppElement (http://localhost:8100/build/js/app.bundle.js:21553:28)
    at HostViewFactory.viewFactory_HostHomePage0 [as viewFactory] (viewFactory_HostHomePage:122:27)

I would suggest you to try with a new project and check if there aren’t any errors during installation.

If the problem still persists you could open a new Ionic issue and post the details there.