Show admob ad inside webview?

Currently I’m using the plugin to show ad mob interstitial ads in my application. Its awesome, and I much prop to all the hard work that was put into that.

So to the question: It seams like the standard of care for interstitial ads is to act like a popup and show above any content. Though in my case I’m building magazine type functionality for a client and he wants the ad to show like an ad on a magazine page and not a popup. The app Flipboard handles their ads like this.

Is there any way to load an ad inside a container in the webview? or possibly even an iframe that I can load in the page, to achieve more of the standard magazine type feel?

As far as I know, AdMob interstitials will always load in full screen, or at least take up the entire view. So the thing restricting you will be the advertiser’s / ad platform’s API, and not Ionic.

I believe there are native ad API’s out there that would let you do this, but most of them seem like they’re small startups since it’s such a new idea. It might be worth checking out AdsNative - have never used them, but their API seems to let you have more control over the ads.

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Is not what are you looking for the banner view that this plugin offers? The ads stay at top or bottom (depending on your decision).

Yeah I figured that it was the case with interstitials.
Though AdsNative looking really interesting, going to mention to my client. I think thats more along the lines of what were trying to do.

I mean its kinda weird that you have to use a native sdk to request content thats ultimately just web some html tags. Also Interstitials act to much like popup ads but for mobile, and frankly are just annoying. hopefully I can get something with with the ads native folks.

Thanks for the advice!

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