Shift icon on the left in a button with ion-item

item-right attribute is working but item-left is not.

These are the results I am getting with the code below.image

<ion-content padding>
    <button ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)" clear primary>
            <i item-left class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
            Search nearby
            <p>Greenford</p> <!-- Info From User Location --> 
    <button ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)" clear primary>
        <i item-left class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
            <h2>Search nearby</h2>
    <button ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)" clear primary>
        <i item-right class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
        <h2>Search nearby</h2>
    <button ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)" clear primary>
        <i item-right class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
            <h2>Search nearby</h2>

Do you know what’s happening? And how I can have the icon on the left with the text next to it?

Hi Dee!

Check this out.

It pretty much does the same thing. The implementation could be different, but the end result is same.

Let me know if anything.


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Thanks for the code. It gave me the idea to use ion-row and this code is working.

        <button ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)" clear primary>
                <ion-col width-10>
                    <i item-left class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
                <ion-col width-90>
                    Search nearby

This indeed seems to be a bug on the framework side. Something to with the button element. If you switch the button to an <a> it will align correctly.

    <a ion-item (click)="search(searchWord)">
        <i item-left class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i>
            <h2>Search nearby</h2>