SCSS Help - Not working

Hi I am having trouble applying styles to my page in ionic 2/3. For example I have CompanyPage and in the scss generated by ionic generate company I have the following scss:

    .float-label {
        color: #387ef5;
        font-size: 12px;
    ion-item p {
        color: #387ef5;
        font-size: 12px;

My company page looks like:

          <ion-icon name="home" item-left></ion-icon>    
          <p class="float-label">Company</p>
          <ion-icon name="" item-left></ion-icon>    
          <p >Company Type</p>

The issue is when I add the class float-label the style of p changes as expected. But when i try to do a style via ion-item p nothing happens. What I am missing here? Thanks for any help in advance.