I am trying to create buttons that can be used to scroll a scrollable area.
I am using document.getElementById(id).scrollIntoView(false); and it is working correctly on iOS. But when it is run on an Android device the area doesn’t scroll. Does anyone know why this would be happening?
<ion-grid id="recentsList" class="recentsList">
<ion-row justify-content-center>
<div class="recentCol">
<ion-col size="12" *ngFor="let item of listOfRecents.reverse(); let i = index">
<ion-button id="recentIndexId{{i}}" *ngIf=" item.length < 100 " [ngStyle]="{ 'font-family': this.fontChoiceService.currentFont} " fill="outline " class="catbuttonSmall " (click)="inputSelected(item) " wrap>{{item}} </ion-button>
scrollToElementDown() {
console.log('error message number 5');
if (this.currentScrollIndex < this.listOfRecents.length - 1) {
console.log('error message number 6');
this.currentScrollIndex = this.currentScrollIndex + 1;
const currentIndex = this.currentScrollIndex;
const id = 'recentIndexId' + currentIndex.toString();
console.log('error message number 7 ', document.getElementById(id).innerHTML);
console.log('error message number 8');
I am running Ionic 4 in Angular.
Since ionic apps don’t use document scroll to handle scrolling interactions, your approach isn’t going to work.
Use the ionContent’s scrolling methods.
You’re approach will need to change, a bit though.
Thanks for the response that’s good to know moving forward and reworking it isn’t a problem! I am curious about why it works on iOS and not on Android if it isn’t supported. Could there be something in Android that isn’t being called from Ionic?
static ScrollToId(Id) {
let Element = this.ElementFromId(Id)
if (Element)
Element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest" })
Hi Mike,
The scrolling behavior is perfect in my browser/PWA build when using my DOM.ScrollToId(Id) helper above. For example, when scrolling DOWN
- my currently CSS selected/highlighted item may start at the top of the list and therefore the top of the list’s viewport (ion-content between ion-header & Footer/Tabs),
- Pressing the down arrow-key causes the CSS highlight to move down and it eventually reaches the middle of list,
- then the highlight stays in the middle of the viewport while the list is scrolled up until the last item of the list appears at the bottom
- then the highlight moves to the bottom of the viewport.
I would say this is very logical behavior and all of this from the single call to .scrollIntoView({ behavior: “smooth”, block: “center”, inline: “nearest” })
However, when running on an android device (as an APK), I don’t know how to get Content.scrollTo (0, yOffset, 1000) you suggest above, to work in a similar fashion. Currently the highlight keeps moving to the bottom and disappears behind the bottom/tabs, the list is never scrolled up to keep the highlighted item in view?
Can anybody help? Thank you.
still in ionc3
Here is my reproduction code (plunker) using ion-content scrolling, make sure to size your browser window or slide the console output to cause the ion-list to display scrolling bar.