Scroll on the main content while opening the side menu

Hello, there!

I’ve been trying to disable the main content while I open the side menu, but failed all of them.
When I start dragging to the right to open the side menu, if I don’t release my finger, I can play with the content of the main frame on the Y axis.
How do I prevent this from happening?

I’ve tried to use the “scroll=”{{shouldScroll}}" attribute in my “ion-content” and change the “shouldScroll” variable with $ionicGesture.on(‘dragright’).
It changes the value of the variable, but not the behaviour of the main frame.

Thanks in advance for your help! =)

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I’m having the same problem. Until a better solution, I temporarily opted for a css hack.

.menu-content.pane:not(.menu-animated) .scroll{
  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1) !important;

This is something we know about,

Side-menus need some attention soon.

Hello mhartington,

The video posted by you is exactly what we are experiencing too!


Yeah, that is what i was talking about.

It’s good to see that you (from ionic) have such interest in answering ordinary people in your forum.
I’m glad I posted it here =).

Hope you fix it soon.

It worked perfectly! Thanks a million!

Actually not perfectly… when you do a release (finger up), the main content is moved.
But it it’s way better than being able to play with the screen like before =)

Thanks again.

It works, but still has some issues if you test it thoroughly. But the majority of users won’t recreate the issue anymore.

You’re welcome!

It’s not working for me. See attached: It only enables swiping up/down after I swipe left/right.

Forgot about this:

<ion-side-menu-content class="menu-animated">
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hey @pcbulai thanks man!

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Awesome man. It’s working great. Thanks!!