Hi! I want 2 columns of a grid to scroll for itselfs.
In ionic 1 I turned off scrolling for the whole content and enabled scrolling for every column seperately.
But in ionic 2 I don’t know how to do that. I tried the code above and some variations, but nothing worked. In all cases the whole page was scrolling, but not a column for its own.
Hello @basti Did you find a solution to this. I’ve been searching a week already. I have 4 columns of lists. Left columns feeds the right, but each must scroll independently. Thank you.
In my 4 columns I set CSS style min-width, width and max-width using percentages (%) on ion-col, height on ion-content and ion-col offset on the display (height = innerHeight - bottomTabHeight) and hide scroll bars for each ion-col. Now, each ionic column scrolls independently. The height must be calculated because when devices flip it will be adjusted or else the ion-content (parent content) will scroll (doesn’t look and feel good) because the other columns with smaller amount will scroll up).
Did you find your solution ?
If not, if I well understood the problem, you should try to look at ion-slides, it uses Swiper which has the parameter called freeMomentum, enabling you to have the same effect as a scrollbar :
freeMomentum = false (default) --> scrolling will move slide by slide
freeMomentum = true --> scrolling will move as much as you scroll
And so, to solve your problem, set a ion-slides element for each one of your column.
I don’t know if you want to scroll horizontally or vertically but you can set this with the parameter direction
You can find the doc very easily :