Resetar projeto no Ionic

PT-BR. Boa noite, comecei a utilizar o Ionic agora e tive to cheio de erros no código e gostaria de começar do começo meu projeto e retornar para o estado original, alguem sabe me informar como fazer isso ? já tentei criar outra pasta mas o ionic serve so roda em 1 projeto parece. Gostaria que me informassem como resetar esse meu projeto atual ou então como utilizar o ionic serve em outro projeto porque aparece esse erro “[ERROR] Sorry! ionic serve can only be run in an Ionic project directory.”

EN. Good night, I started using Ionic now and I’ve had so many errors in the code and I would like to start from the beginning of my project and return to the original state, can anyone tell me how to do this? already tried to create another folder but the ionic serves only the wheel in 1 project seems. I would like you to inform me how to reset this my current project or how to use the ionic serves in another project because it appears this error “[ERROR] Sorry! Ionic serve can only be run in an Ionic project directory.”

Bom dia/boa tarde,

Why don’t you just create a new project following these steps?

They guide you through creating a new projectfolder with a dummy app in it that you can launch by the ionic serve command.

Boa sorte!