Remove border from hyperlinks

I have a bunch of hyperlink tags within my html code. But when I run my app ionic puts a 1px border around each hyperlink. Is it possible to remove somehow the “< a >” tag border. I know it should be a CSS thing, but I don’t want to modify the original style, but would prefer to override that segment with another. Any gurus out there can help?

Sorry, but: Use CSS to remove the border.

(What border are you talking about? Can you upload a screenshot of what you mean?)

Hi Sujan,

Thanks for your reply.

This is my code using a button and an image in it:

   <button class="button" id="link" on-hold="checkin()"><img src="img/8guat5bxTceicYDywa3z_check-in-icon.png" style="display: block; width: 60%; height: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border:0; outline: none !important;">

And the result is:

How to remove the border and keep just the image?

What border? I only see a light grey background… that is probably caused by the “button” you use.

yeah thats what I’m talking about. how to remove that gray background?

Use developer tools to find out which element has a background and then use CSS to remove it.

Fixed: style="background-color: #fff;"

Thank you Sujan for your help.

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