How to remove border-bottom on header

I am trying to remove the border-bottom from the header in my Ionic app.

The following successfully removed it from my browser on the computer:

.bar {

However, it is still there in the application when I run it on my iPhone 5C.

How can I remove this?

I’m looking for a solution to this as well, let me know if solved

Had the same problem. I think it is a background-image: linear-gradient(0deg,#b2b2b2,#b2b2b2 50%,transparent 50%); on the .bar class.
so try: .bar { background-image: none !important; }


That was it, thanks!!

Thanks so much, that was the issue for me as well. So weird only was showing the border on the phone in the app not in a browser or simulator’s browser. Wish I would have seen your answer about 30 minutes ago :smile: !!

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I am still getting border issue even after applying .bar { background-image: none !important; }.
can any one please help me out on this.
