Remote images not loading in mobile

Does someone know why I can’t display external images (eg. from an Internet url) after build my Ionic3 APK?


  1. ionic start testApp blank
  2. edit home.html
  3. write the follow code:
<ion-content padding>
  <img src="" />
  1. ionic cordova build android --prod
  2. ./adb install -r app-debug.apk

After open the app into my real device, the image crashes, nothing is displayed. In my browser or Ionic DevApp both works fine.

Suggestions? I’m using Android 8.0.0.

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I ended up starting a new project and copying the src directory. The problem was solved mysteriously!

I am also getting the same issue in ionic 3.
and while trying to create a new project getting some error:

Error: Encountered bad status code (400) for

any suggestions please.

Thank you!

I cannot think of a good reason to spawn an ionic-angular project today in 2020. Why are you not making an angular project?’

Thanks for the reply. @rapropos
Actually I am having an ionic 3 project that was working fine.
Now I need to update new version of the app but the images stops loading.

Error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)