I’m new to Ionic (and this kind of dev in general). Anyway…
The Ionic build (“ionic run iso”) started to misbehave yesterday and I think it is related to the new version of Xcode to which I upgraded to yesterday as well.
A couple of things broke: sim-ios and lldb (fruitstrap)
Update to the latest ios-sim - it’s fixed as of early this morning.
To fix Xcode building for iOS simulator and an iPhone 5S (other devices should work) you have to manually add arm64 and x86_64 architectures to the CordovaLib.xcodeproj sub-project of your root project in Xcode. It’s a pain.
Select CordovaLib > Folder icon > Build Settings and under the Architectures you have to add “x86_64” to all of the simulators and “arm64” (or just select "Standard architectures (armv7, armv7s, arm64) to all SDKs.
This is fixed in Cordova 3.5 apparently (which hasn’t yet been released) via this bug report:
Although I’m still getting a lldb error when trying to build and run on an iPhone 5S (the 64-bit simulator works, as does building to any other iOS or Android device).
Mine is still not working. I updated the sdks to use the “Standard Architectures.” “cordova run ios” loads all the way to 100% but then lldb error still occurs
[ 0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ 90%] Mounting developer disk image
[ 95%] Developer disk image already mounted
[100%] Connecting to remote debug server
(lldb) Executing commands in '/tmp/fruitstrap-lldb-prep-cmds-'.
(lldb) platform select remote-ios --sysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/*
Platform: remote-ios
Connected: no
SDK Path: "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/*"
(lldb) target create "/Users/Achilles/Desktop/dev/coride-ionic/platforms/ios/build/device/Coride.co.app"
Current executable set to '/Users/Achilles/Desktop/dev/coride-ionic/platforms/ios/build/device/Coride.co.app' (armv7).
(lldb) script fruitstrap_device_app="/private/var/mobile/Applications/F16F5310-03AC-4F96-9C6B-D774D301E467/Coride.co.app"
(lldb) script fruitstrap_connect_url="connect://"
(lldb) script fruitstrap_handle_command="command script add -s asynchronous -f fruitstrap_.fsrun_command run"
(lldb) command script import "/tmp/fruitstrap_.py"
error: the platform is not currently connected