@jgw9617 Yep I have been following the commits and updated to RC4 as soon as it was available, virtualscroll still has major issues, scrolling smoothness is actually much worse now that it was before the recent updates. I also tried creating a new clean RC4 project and just adding 1 page with my list of items in virtual scroll, same deal.
It works really, really smoothly on android and all works as expected. on iOS uiwebview it’s unusable. Slightly better on ios 10 vs ios 9 which is horrendous.
Insanely janky on scroll
conflict with ion-refresher still present, so you can never swipe down to scroll as refresher always gets triggered (looks like this is because virtualscroll uses js scrolling but ion-refresher does not get updates from js scroll events scrollTop in ion-refresher remains 0 with virtual scroll, whereas in virtual scroll component I can see it is listening for js scroll events and updates it’s local value for scrollTop appropriately, just doesn’t share this with other components).
scroll acceleration and deceleration is nothing like native, very slow.
when scrolling fast the view doesn’t updated on scroll stop, so I will have 1 or 2 items visible on the screen and then a blank screen until I scroll just a tiny bit more then it will render the rest of the items.
Those are the biggies that really make it unusable, there are a list of issues in the issue round up ticket I posted of varying severity. If the above could be fixed it would at least be usable for lists and the rest of the issues could then be thoroughly tested, validated and fixed over time post release as the release will at least have a working feature.
I am happy to spend as much time as needed helping you to test updates and changes to get this in for release, just let me know what you need. I can provide an email address to contact me directly to help co-ordinate anything that is needed.
I am also happy to review and triage all other outstanding virtual scroll issues after the basics are fixed and help clean up the related github issues. I work for a dev shop so I am used to doing a lot of this kind of stuff
Just captured a gif showing the scrolling behaviour in my app. I simply navigate to a page with a virtualscroll list and swipe to scroll once, you can see it jumps all over the place with the same values bouncing up and down. When I try to swipe down to scroll in the opposite direction the refresher is triggered even though I am not at the top of the list.
This is with RC4 on the iphone 7 emulator with ios 10 (ios 9 is even worse), exactly the same behaviour on the real device as on the emulator. The list is simple preloaded static data with a generic icon used for all items as an avatar. All the same dimensions, data not changing, approx height set to 40px, approx width defaults to 100% so that is fine. A very simple example.