I have an Ionic app (client), with a Java 8 backend (server), and I have set up push notifications.
let topics: string[] = [this.personModelLoggedIn.uid];
const options: PushOptions = {
android: {
sound: "true",
vibrate: "true",
topics: topics
ios: {
alert: "true",
badge: true,
sound: "true",
topics: topics
windows: {}
For Android
, I can receive notifications, send from the following:
private String sendAndroidPushNotification(String device_token, String topics, String title, String message)
throws Exception {
String pushMessage = null;
if (device_token != null && !device_token.equals("null")) {
pushMessage = "{\"data\":{\"title\":\"" + title + "\",\"message\":\"" + message + "\"},\"to\":\""
+ device_token + "\"}";
} else {
pushMessage = "{\"data\":{\"title\":\"" + title + "\",\"message\":\"" + message + "\"},\"to\": \"/topics/"
+ topics + "\"}";
// Create connection to send FCM Message request.
URL url = new URL("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send");
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "key=" + SERVER_KEY);
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
// Send FCM message content.
OutputStream outputStream = conn.getOutputStream();
return "Android Push Notification: " + conn.getResponseCode() + " " + conn.getResponseMessage() + " - " + pushMessage;
I have the following code for iOS
, but the client does not receive the push notifications.
* import com.notnoop.apns.APNS; import com.notnoop.apns.ApnsService;
* https://github.com/notnoop/java-apns.
private String sendIOSPushNotification(String device_token, String topics, String title, String message)
throws Exception {
ApnsService service = APNS.newService().withCert(PATH_TO_P12_CERT, CERT_PASSWORD).withSandboxDestination()
String payload = APNS.newPayload()
// .customFields(map)
.alertBody(title + " " + message).sound("default").build();
service.push(Utilities.encodeHex(topics.getBytes()), payload);
return "iOS Push Notification: " + title + " " + message;
If you look at the com.notnoop.apns
api, it is supposed to push to a device token
, however, I need it to rather push to a uid
. I have implemented the above code to push to a uid
, but it doesn’t work.
Id it possible for the com.notnoop.apns
api to push notifications to a topic? Otherwise, is there another api that will be able to do this?
If neither is possible, should the client rather listen on the device token
? But the problem here is, that the sender of the push notification does not know the receivers device token
. The sender does know the receivers uid