Push Limit reached even at the beginning of the month

We are using the push service of ionic quite a while now, but since a few days we notice some errors popping up. When we try to send push notifications we get an 429 error with the message ‘Plan limit reached. Upgrade for additional usage.’.

When we login in Ionic dashboard and see the overview, the numbers are all set to 0. Thats corresponds to the new month we are now in.

I already placed a support call, but after the initial response (please try again) not getting a reaction.

I’ve got a customer breathing down on me and on the edge of escalating due to the fact that no notifications are send.

Does anybody on this forum have any suggestions?

The response we get from the service is :


“meta”: {

“request_id”: “e765353c-2482-4914-c95f-f0a366964b46”,

“status”: 429,

“version”: “2.0.0-beta.0”


“error”: {

“link”: null,

“message”: “Plan limit reached. Upgrade for additional usage.”,

“type”: “TooManyRequests”



Nothing we can do about it, only send you to http://ionicframework.com/support

Do you have the push tokens saved in your backend? Then you maybe can use another push service to actually send the pushes… but I’m not sure if and how this works.