Property 'create' does not exist on type 'typeof Contacts'

I have installed @ionic-native/core.

But I am unable to use the contacts plugin in Ionic with react. ‘@ionic-native/contacts’

let contact: Contact = this.contacts.create();

and it’s showing me error:

Property ‘create’ does not exist on type ‘typeof Contacts’

Note- I’m using Capacitor
npm install cordova-plugin-contacts
npm install @ionic-native/contacts

Help me .
Thanks in Advance,

I think you’ll need to create an instance of the Contacts class first

import { Contacts } from '@ionic-native/contacts';

const contacts = new Contacts();
const contact = contacts.create();

I’m using react use, Function base component

Yeah, so use the contacts instance inside your component function.

Could you help me out with syntex, Thanks in Advance

I gave you an example above. Just use the contacts where you need it inside your React component, wherever you need it. I don’t know exactly when you want to call contacts.create, if it’s when the user clicks a button it will be something like

import { Contacts } from '@ionic-native/contacts';

const contacts = new Contacts();

const SomePage = () => {
  const handleClick = () => {
    const contact = contacts.create();
    // ...
  // ...
  return (
      <IonButton onClick={handleClick} />