hi… first of all… beautiful framework… really… and looking at the source code of ionic directives has taught me so much already… great work guys…
my question is is there a way to trigger ion-refresher panel to pull-down itself? the API to force it to pull-up exists… $scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshComplete')… i couldnt find something similar to force it to drop-down as well…
the reason why i need this is… my app has a side-bar… you can open the first item in the content pane and pull-down to start a request… the request can take time… but i dont wanna block the user with a loader… so the UI is still responsive and he can go to some other item… but if he comes back to the first item and the request is still in process, i want the ion-refresher to be rendered in a pulled-down state…
// Show refreshin on startup
var d = document.getElementById(“profile-refresher”);
d.className = d.className.replace( /(?:^|\s)invisible(?!\S)/g , ‘’ )
d.className += " active refreshing ";