Problem with backspace on Android Smartphone

Hello guys , i have a big problem with an add email adresse
the goal of this code is to add emailAdresse in a List of EmailAdresse with an input
and below tape suggestion that user can click on it to add in the list, the big problem
is that when i add a emailAdresse in the input : all is ok
when i tape an other emailAdresse and I press on backspace, the app crash :confused: “Phory stop working”

the problem happens only after validation of an address written completely in the input when you press backspace on an other adresse email tip in the input ( no suggestions)

this problem is driving me crazy ! ^^"

The html code :

            <div class="tag-editor">
                    <div class="tag-draft addPadding10">
                        <span  class="tag goLeft addPadding5 addMargin5" ng-repeat="email in contactList" ng-click="removeEmail($index)">
                        {{email}}<span class="remove">x</span>
                        <input class="clear" id="inputEmail" type="text" placeholder="{{'enterEmail' | translate}}" ng-change="addEmail()" ng-trim="false" ng-model="data.inputEmail" >
                    <div class="tag-suggestions colorBgRev" ng-show="contactListSmartphone.length > 0 && data.inputEmail.length > 0">
                        <span ng-repeat="contact in contactListSmartphone | filter : data.inputEmail : startsWith" ng-click="addEmailSuggestion(contact)">
                        <span class="tag noBackground addPadding10" ng-if="contactList.indexOf(contact) === -1">

The Javascript code :

// rajoute d'un email via l'input
$scope.addEmail = function () {
    if ($ > 0) {
        if ($$ - 1) === " ") {
            $ = $;
            $ = $;
            if ($scope.contactList.indexOf($ === -1) {
                if (validateEmail($ {
                    $ = "";
            } else {
                $ = "";
// rajoute une adresse email via la suggestion
$scope.addEmailSuggestion = function (contact) {
    if ($scope.contactList.indexOf("" + contact) === -1) {
        $ = "";
    window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);
// permet le filtrage sur la valeur de début
$scope.startsWith = function (actual, expected) {
    var lowerStr = (actual + "").toLowerCase();
    return lowerStr.indexOf(expected.toLowerCase()) === 0;
// supprime une adresse email de la liste
$scope.removeEmail = function (numItem) {
    $scope.contactList.splice(numItem, 1);
    window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);

Thanks for watching and help me in this problem !


When you have this bug (app crash with backspace) ; you must close the focus and re-add the focus !

$scope.addEmail = function () {
    if ($ > 0) {
        if ($$ - 1) === " ") {
            $ = $;
            $ = $;
            if ($scope.contactList.indexOf($ === -1) {
                if (validateEmail($ {
                    $ = "";
                    **window.setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 0);**
            } else {
                $ = "";