Follow these 3 steps…
1-Find bluetooth devices
2-Connect the device with its id
devices = [];
btnFindDevices() {
this.bluetoothSerial.isEnabled().then(() => {
this.bluetoothSerial.discoverUnpaired().then((allDevices) => {
this.devices = allDevices;
btnBlueToothConnect() {
if (this.devices.length > 0) {
//this code connects device which’s position is 0. Change it whatever you want.
this.bluetoothSerial.connect(this.devices[0].id).subscribe((data) => {
console.log(“Connected”, data);
}, (error) => {
console.log(“not Connected”, error);
else {
console.log(“Device List did not genereted yet.”);
btnBlueToothPrint() {
//Attention… Bluetooth printer prints data when whole line filled. For example in my case printer is 32 colon,
//“hello world” has 11 characters. so it prints after 3 times clicked the print button.
this.bluetoothSerial.write(‘hello world’).then(() => { console.log(“s”); }, () => { console.log(“f”); });