I am using Angular 13 and IonicV6
I have a ion-fab button. within the button i have 2 sets of ion-fab-lists with ion-fab-buttons. The second list is displayed after i click a button in the first list. the problem is that the ion-fab closes when i click a button. I want to keep the ion-fab open when i click the specific button and just display the second fab-list. I can only find a close() function in the documentation.
I tried setting the “activated” property programatically, also i tried using stopPropagation() on the button click event, nothing seems to work.
<ion-fab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed" #fab>
<ion-fab-button #fabButton
<ds-icon icon="more_vertical"></ds-icon>
<ion-fab-list *ngIf="!isEditMode" side="top"">
<ion-fab-button *ngFor="let button of buttons"
(click)="handleClick(button, $event)"
<ds-icon [icon]="button?.icon"></ds-icon>
<ion-fab-list *ngIf="isEditMode" side="top">
(click)="handleClick(button, $event)"
<ds-icon icon="check" style="color:green"></ds-icon>
(click)="handleClick(button, $event)"
<ds-icon icon="close" style="color:red"></ds-icon>
export class GridActionButtonComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() buttons: ActionCellButton[];
@Input() rowNode: RowNode;
@Input() isEditMode: boolean;
public isExpanded = false;
public isButtonDisabled = true;
public isFabOpen = false;
@ViewChild('fab') fabEl : ElementRef | any;
@ViewChild('fabButton') fabButtonEl : ElementRef | any;
ngOnChanges(changes : SimpleChanges): void {
this.isExpanded = this.rowNode?.expanded;
this.isButtonDisabled = !this.rowNode?.expanded;
public handleClick(button: ActionCellButton, event: Event) {
return button?.action(this.rowNode);
public onLoseFocus(event : any) {