Possible Ionic integration with Svelte?

Hello all,
I’m not a Ionic framework expert.
I have some apps coded using Svelte.
Is and integration between Ionic and Svelte possible, like @ionic/vue for Vuejs?
Thank you very much


have you progressed in this? I am just trying a sample Sapper project including ionic elements.

The tricky ones not always fly out of the box. Modal (no dismiss handler), ion-content (no scroll), ion-app (completely replaces the view), Menu (missing content element)…

The others go pretty well, including ActionSheet



@lapoguidi bump :slight_smile:

ps. managed to get ion-app and ion-content working. Needed to add them in template.html

Some initial fiddles

Thanks for sharing that!

Welcome, I tried a bit more and posted REPLs. THey are in the forum too.
I am also having an issue with ion-nav and svelte. Looking for help :slight_smile:

And now I have a more elaborate example with all UI elements included. You can directly view the code of the elements, so you can use it immediately in your editor (svelte or even beyond)


And its code:


impressive! pretty good work, congrats

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Wow, really impessive. Thanks for sharing it!

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