Permission error :(

can someone help me handle it. I get an ittitante error over permission denied after 3 days of searching I could finally install cli so when I create project it returns an error. i also installed nvm and node js nothing works i also tried to give access to my account via the terminal also not working. so thank you in advance

Code :

MacBook-Pro-van-Nieuw:~ nieuw$ npm install -g @ionic/cli@latest
/Users/nieuw/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/bin/ionic -> /Users/nieuw/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli/bin/ionic
+ @ionic/cli@6.12.2
updated 1 package in 6.98s
MacBook-Pro-van-Nieuw:~ nieuw$ ionic start myApp
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/nieuw/.ionic/helper.log'MacBook-Pro-van-Nieuw:~ nieuw$ 

It’s strange that nieuw doesn’t own the .ionic directory in their own home directory. Is it possible that you previously used sudo or some other user here? I see you’ve installed nvm, which is a great choice and should eliminate the need for ever using sudo when doing Ionic development.

To fix this, you likely need to use chown to give nieuw back that directory.

Incidentally, it is because of problems like this that I keep insisting over and over again how destructive sudo is.

I did wired stuff… so i end up instelling nvm. But How do I crown to make it work

sudo chown -r user-to-set filepath/wildcard

Dont know exactly how to do this could you explain it to me in baby steps :sweat_smile:?

All commands are executed from a terminal window. U use one to build.
From your project, enter that command

Learn commands

really thanks for helping us. I found the problem in the ionic folder in there I was not authorized so with the code you gave me I was able to change it really great and thanks again for helping. @sdetweil and @rapropos