Page working properly if pushed from app.component, but has issues if pushed from other page

I am experiencing a severe issue, after I updated my app from Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0-rc.2 to
Ionic Framework Version: 2.1.0.
The problem occurs on Android , not tried on IOS, and not occurs with Ionic serve.

Here is the problem:
I have a page with an ion-search and a list of items that is being filtered on what I type.
If I land on that page by clicking the apposite menu item, it works fine.
If I land on that page by other means (clicking a button on the header), the same page does not behave correctly: when I type in the ion-search :

  • The list is not being filtered
  • The “x” icon to cancel the search is not appearing

Hower the list can be dragged and the items can be clicked.
I can see that, whenever I types, the filtering occurs in the component, but the list is not updated.
If I go back (by hitting the back hardware button or with the displayed back icon), for an instant the page updates with what I typed, as if all the updates to the view was suspended, and released all together only when the page is being dismissed.

I respond to myself, I work arounded the problem by pushing the navigation to a dummy page that, in turn, pushes to the actual page. In this way, the page behaves correctly.
Ugly, but at least, the app is working :pensive: