I have defined the following state definitions:
$stateProvider.state('default', {
url: '/default',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'app/html/default.html'
.state('default.entity-list', {
url: '/entity-list',
templateUrl: 'app/html/entity-home.html',
controller: 'entityController'
.state('default.entity-details', {
url: '/entity-details',
templateUrl: 'app/html/view_entity.html',
controller: 'ViewEntityCtrl'
The default.html file defines a ion-nav-view and so it works perfectly when going to entity-details or entity-list states, but i want to open entity-details state not inside the ion-nav-view but inside a modal using $ionicModal. The entity-details has also some child states and views.
Trying to open the modal using the state template instead of using a state works but i don’t have any way to assign the state $scope or controller, and i need to do that. Apparently using ng-controller inside the state template does not work also.
All that i have tried has failed, could you please help me?? I need an idea of how (if possible) use a modal instead of a ion-nav-view to hold a state or how to specify the controller to be used by the contents of ionicModal.Please remember that inside the entity-details there are child views.
I don’t know if this answers your question completely, but what i do to show a Modal from different states, is define the modal template on $rootScope (on the app.js file), like so:
var scope = $rootScope;
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', {
scope: scope,
animation: 'slide-in-up',
backdropClickToClose: false,
hardwareBackButtonClose: false
}).then(function(modal) {
scope.modal = modal;
The only thing is, when i need to call it, i use a $timeout to have the app wait (just like a milisec) to load the $rootScope, it feels a bit hackish, but i didn’t find any alternative to do so… On the controller i want to call the modal then it is like:
$scope.modalLogin = function(){
$timeout($scope.modalLogin, 0);
As i said, i don’t know it this helps, but it’s what i do.
Best of luck to you
Thanks for the answer, unfortunately i don’t need to show a modal from a state, but to use the modal as holder of the state’s template and controller.
Thanks anyway for your time and sorry for the late reply
Regards, Raul
Oh i see, sorry haha. So you want to use a state’s template but with a modal? I don’t get where that would be useful… Can you explain a bit further please?
Don’t worry i know is a strange requirement
I have a “legacy” app written with ionic and angular by people that had zero knowledge of both so as you can imagine the code is a real mess and filled with anti patterns, for example they used the main view’s scope as a global repository for code to be shared between controllers. And all views but the main one are implemented as modals.
I have successfully migrated most of the app to proper states using ui-router but the main view has a initialization step on the controllers body that is very expensive and i can’t modify it. The initialization is attached to a document.ready listener
So, even if the controller is not refreshed every time I go back to the main view the init function is fired and the transition gets delayed for about 5 seconds. Which is not acceptable, so I thought in using a modal, because closing a modal doesn’t fires the document ready listener.
I know the best approach is to properly rewrite the app and move the initialization code to a proper data model layer implemented with angular services but for now i am not allowed to do that.
For the moment the only workaround (apart from the modal ) is using abstract states and making the main view a parent of all the rest.
As you see not a common (or even a desirable) use case but is the one i have to deal with
Regards, Raúl
Oh wow, i never seen that case before haha. Well, if any help, i think you could do something about a $rootScope? Keeping the ‘main view variables’ that are open for all controllers in a rootScope… Maybe you could even keep global functions there. If this initialization step you are talking about could be implemented into $rootScope, it would be kinda easy to go from there, but i don’t know if ideal or not. Well, anyways, i wish you good luck, i don’t think i will be able to help you much further, but i am interested in how things go with your effort haha. If possible, keep me posted.
For the record, I don’t think this is an unusual use case at all. My app has a list of items and when creating a new item for the list, I want to open a modal and load in a bunch of data from a REST API to populate some slideboxes in the modal.
This is a pivot from the way my app used to work when the “create” screen was on a tab. It previously used resolve to get all the REST data before showing the tab. Now I’d like to reuse that state code to populate the modal.
I’ll definitely second this question.
My use-case is the conversion of a smartphone app (in which the detail of an item is opened as a sub view) to a tablet one, in which the detail is not opened as a new view but as a modal.
I currently have hacked my way by encapsulating all of the logic/view in a directive, reusing it in the “modal” style or in the old controller, but it kinda feel “not good”.
Moreover, for the modal I’ve had to recreate all the navigation manually.