onPageWillEnter/OnPageDidEnter not fired


Did anyone encounter those events not being fired when going BACK (pop) to this view - the documentation says that at least onPageDidEnter should be fired even if this view is cached.

I have a list in my page retrieved from the server - how can refresh the list from the server when I am navigating back in the stack to this view?


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I’m also seeing this issue. The event fires when I click on the page link in the navbar, but not when I use nav.pop() to go back to that page.


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Similar issues with a tabbed interface (derived from the starter template). onPageWillEnter() does not fire for initial occasion(s), but onPageDidEnter() does. Not for all tabs. Just for one in an array of five or so. OnPageWillEnter() does fire once I have selected things in the tab and/or other tabs.

So still investigating when this all occurs. (btw, I thought I was on beta, but I am still on alpha 53 - so need to upgrade. maybe that helps).

And sorry not to provide solution.




Hello all,

I have figured it out - as Tom said, it occurs on tabbed project - what happens actually is that the TABBED page is actually the one that the onPageWlllEnter (or DidEnter) is being called on - and it DOES NOT “bubble” to the ACTIVE page (the current tab) - I don’t know if it is a bug or by design - but now - as I have implemented the method in the TABBED page, I can easily “notify” the active tab page about it having the focus again, and invoking any logic on that page manually.



Issue raised: bug: onPageWillEnter will not fire for first tab view · Issue #5527 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub

Check out the comment of Ionic team on https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/issues/5527

I cant replicate nor did I use the latest version of Ionic 2

hey guzs what is difference between onPageDidEnter/onPageWillEnter. and also ionViewWillEnter/onPageWillEnter.