Im working on my own php backend service for push notifications.
For IOS i use APNS and everything works fine!
For Android i use GCM api and i have one problem^
If i send push, while my device is awake and my App is active now, i can catch onNotification event in app,
BUT if android device is asleep or my app isnt active now then i received push, but when i click on it i get my APP loaded, but without onNotification event.
BUT if i use IONIC push service and send notification, i get push and catch onNotification event in app in both conditions
I need help ))
function onDeviceReady() {
var io = Ionic.io();
var user = Ionic.User.current();
var onNotification = function(e) {
alert('check onNotification fnction');
var push = new Ionic.Push({
"debug": false,
"pluginConfig": {
"ios": {
"badge": true,
"sound": true,
"clearBadge": true
"android": {
"sound": true,
"vibrate": true,
"forceShow": true,
"ecb": 'onNotification',
"senderID": "MY_SENDER_ID"
"onNotification": function(notification) {
"onError": function(err) {
var registerCallback = function(token) {
app_token = token.token; // this parameter i send to my service, to send pushes
device = (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) ? 'Android':'IOS'; // this parameter i send to my service, to send pushes
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);