On iOS devices, Infinite Scroll jumps to top when ionInfinite event is fired

Bug Report

Ionic version:

Current behavior:

On iOS devices, the screen jumps to the top of the list when items are added to a list via the infinite scroll component.

This is not a problem on the web (Chrome or Safari) or on Android devices.

Expected behavior:

The screen scroll should not be affected by adding items to a list. The user should see new posts appear and continue scrolling as normal.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Build the app in Xcode
  2. Run on a device
  3. Start scrolling down. Once you hit Post 5, you’ll be sent to the top of the screen (Post 1).

Related code:

The repo is at https://github.com/bennyt2/ionic-infinite-scroll-test. Here are the two relevant files:

src/app/home/home.page.html: HTML that uses ion-infinite-scroll

  <ng-container *ngFor="let post of posts;let i = index">
    <div class="post post-{{post % 2}}">Post {{post}}</div>

  <div class="no-posts-yet" *ngIf="posts.length === 0">No posts yet...</div>
  <div class="end-of-feed" *ngIf="allPostsLoaded">End of feed</div>

  <ion-infinite-scroll class="infinite-scroll" threshold="300px" (ionInfinite)="getMorePosts($event)">
    <ion-infinite-scroll-content loadingSpinner="circles" loadingText="Loading more posts...">


src/app/home/home.page.ts: Component that handles post retrieval and the ionInfinite event

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-infinite-scroll-test',
  templateUrl: './infinite-scroll-test.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./infinite-scroll-test.page.scss'],
export class InfiniteScrollTestPage implements OnInit {

  posts: number[] = [];
  maxPosts: number = 100;
  step: number = 5;
  loadedPosts: number = 0;
  allPostsLoaded: boolean = false;

  constructor() {

  ngOnInit() {

  addPosts(number: number) {
    for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
      this.posts.push(this.posts.length + 1);
      this.loadedPosts = this.posts.length + 1;

  getMorePosts(event) {
    setTimeout(() => {

      // App logic to determine if all data is loaded
      // and disable the infinite scroll
      if (this.loadedPosts > this.maxPosts) {
        event.target.disabled = true;
        this.allPostsLoaded = true;
    }, 500)

Ionic info:


   Ionic CLI                     : 5.4.1 (/home/spikefalcontwo/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/lib/node_modules/ionic)
   Ionic Framework               : @ionic/angular 4.11.7
   @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.801.3
   @angular-devkit/schematics    : 8.1.3
   @angular/cli                  : 8.1.3
   @ionic/angular-toolkit        : 2.1.1


   Capacitor CLI   : 1.4.0
   @capacitor/core : 1.4.0


   cordova-res : not installed
   native-run  : not installed


   NodeJS : v10.15.3 (/home/spikefalcontwo/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/node)
   npm    : 6.11.3
   OS     : Linux 5.0

Any thoughts on what might cause this problem?

Just adding a trackBy function to *ngFor seems to slove the problem.

  postTrackBy(index: number, post: Post) {
    return post.id;

<ion-item *ngFor="let post of posts$ | async; trackBy:postTrackBy ">

Angular kills entire list when it is immutable and refreshed entirely.

i have added trackBy also but seems yet not fixed,
can you help me to solve that glitch case when scroll to top
