On alert button click stop counter

Hello all, i have this code and i want it to stop the countdown when the user clicks yes/ no

ts :

   let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: 'EMERGENCY ALERT!!!',
        subTitle: 'Call Emergency Contact ?!',
              buttons: [
      text: 'NO, I am Okay',
      handler: () => {
          console.log('NO, I am Okay');
      text: 'YES Call',
      handler: () => {
          console.log('YES Call');
              enableBackdropDismiss: false

   this.counter = 10;
   this.timer = setInterval(() => {
       if (this.counter === 0) {

           /*After counter value is 0 means 10000 is completed */
   }, 1000);

startFilling() {

You should call the function to stop your counter in the handler of both buttons.

thank you for replying so fast ! do you mind giving me an example on how to write it?
this is my first time using ionic and i’m still figuring out the syntax. Thank you!

Is the code to stop the counter already written or not?

yes i used this to stop the counter


and it worked thank you!

i do still have one Question if it’s okay

how can I write this in the correct syntax

 let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: 'EMERGENCY ALERT!!!',
        subTitle: 'Call Emergency Contact ?! Countdown {{counter}}',